Christmas lottery in times of Artificial Intelligence

It has been published that Artificial Intelligence has predicted the winning number for this year’s Christmas lottery draw. 03695. This can only mean one thing: for the time being, AI is not as smart as we thought. You cannot predict a random event. (No, you can’t, even though you’ve heard a thousand times that you […]

A living industry

The approval of Bimervax, the booster COVID vaccine from Laboratorios Hipra, has been one of the most celebrated news this year in business and biotechnology networks in Spain. For sure a well-deserved recognition of a great job. And since the first vaccines against COVID19 made Biotechnology visible to all, we all react with joy to […]

My interview with AI

These days everyone is talking about ChatGPT, the OpenAI language model, trained to handle millions of pieces of data and combine them into a coherent and structured discourse. Is it really as disruptive asn they say? Some are skeptical, others enthusiastic, and a few alarmed. Some have even said that the great singularity is here […]

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