Javier Márquez is committed to making his website https://javiermarquez.blog accessible in accordance with national legislation implementing Directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and of the Council.

This accessibility statement applies to the website https://javiermarquez.blog and all the web pages and content hosted on it.

Compliance Status

a) This website fully complies with national legislation.

Preparation of this Accessibility Statement This statement was prepared on September 20, 2023.

To prepare this statement, the method mentioned in Article 3(1) of Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2018/1523 was used.

Last review of the statement: September 20, 2023.

Observations and Contact Information If any non-compliance with accessibility requirements is identified, or if you need to request information or content not covered by the Directive, you can contact us via email at info@javiermarquez.blog.

The person responsible for accessibility and handling requests submitted through the communication mechanism is Inés Medem Segura and can be reached at the email address hola@inesmedem.com.

Application Procedure If the response to the notification or request sent via the email mentioned in the Observations and Contact Information section is unsatisfactory, you can use the contact form available at the following link: https://javiermarquez.blog/contacto/.

If necessary, you can contact the relevant implementing body, whose contact details are available on the website of the entity responsible for accessibility in Spain: https://www.seg-social.es/wps/portal/wss/internet/Trabajadores/InformacionRelevante/30413/30903.

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